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Sport Drinks & Dental Health

Sport Drinks & Dental Health

Sports drinks are often considered a healthier choice than beverages like pop or fruit juice. But in reality, some of them can actually cause damage to children's teeth.

Sports drinks are often portrayed as healthier than pop and juice. But sports drinks can be very high in sugar, salt, and calories. This means that when consumed in excess, they aren't necessarily good for you.

Sports drinks can also be very acidic. In combination with the sugar content, this acidity can cause some serious damage to teeth.

How are sports drinks bad for teeth?

The acid that is present in these drinks, and that is in turn produced by bacteria that feed on sugars in the mouth, breaks down your teeth's enamel and dentin. Uninterrupted, this process eventually leads to in cavities. It also makes teeth sensitive to temperature changes and touch.

Should I stop allowing my child to drink sports drinks?

It would be wise to treat sports drinks just like you would any other high-calorie, high-sugar food or drink: enjoy them in moderation, but not as an everyday indulgence.

Of course, making sure your child takes extra care with his or her brushing and flossing routine after consuming a sports drink is always a good idea!

What should my child drink instead of sports drinks?

The very best choice for quenching your child’s thirst is (you guessed it) water!

If your child wants something with some added flavor, we suggest you try experimenting with adding different fruits or even vegetables to the water. For example, citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes and oranges add some zip and sweetness. Alternatively, adding cucumber slices to a cool glass of water can be very refreshing!

Feel free to contact the Smile Town Burnaby team with your questions about sports drinks and healthy alternatives, or about your child’s oral health in general.

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