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Stages of Oral Development: Ages 4 - 6

Stages of Oral Development: Ages 4 - 6

Children's mouths are in a constant state of development throughout the infant and teenage years. Here, you'll learn what to expect in your child's oral development between the ages of 4 and 6.

By the age of 3, most children have developed all of their baby (primary) teeth. Starting around age 4, children’s jaws and facial bones begin to grow, which creates spaces between the primary teeth.

This growth process introduces the space required for the larger, permanent teeth to eventually erupt. Starting at around the age of 6 until about 12, your child’s permanent teeth will emerge.

Primary teeth are just as important in your child's development as permanent teeth. Although they eventually fall out, they play a key role and must be carefully cared for and cleaned.

Your child's primary teeth allow them to speak and chew properly, and also preserve space in the gum tissue and act as guides for the permanent teeth when they erupt.

Oral hygiene is just as important during this stage of development as at any other, and it's a good time to start teaching your child to brush and floss their own teeth.

Between the ages of 4 and 6, most children have the manual dexterity to hold a toothbrush and dental floss correctly, and they are mature enough to comprehend teeth cleaning instructions, as well as why it’s important to keep your teeth clean.

This makes it the perfect age to help your child establish good oral hygiene habits to last a lifetime. Of course, they’ll still need help, guidance and supervision, to make sure they’re being thorough and cleaning each and every tooth.

You can learn more about brushing and flossing for children here, or get in touch with Smile Town Burnaby today, and book a consultation appointment with our team. We’d be glad to go over the details of good brushing and flossing techniques with your child.

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