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Is fluoride safe for kids?

Is fluoride safe for kids?

Over the years there has been a lot of discussion about whether fluoride is safe for kids. Today our Burnaby children's dentists share some tips on how and when fluoride can be used to help build healthy young smiles.


Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in a number of foods, soil, and water. Often municipalities add fluoride to drinking water in order to help combat widespread dental issues and to help keep teeth strong and healthy. Health Canada, and the Canadian Dental Association both support water fluoridation and believe that it can help to prevent dental issues from developing.

What are the benefits of fluoride?

When ingested, or applied to the teeth in the form of toothpastes or fluoride treatments, fluoride can help to strengthen children's teeth.

Fluoride that is ingested through food or water moves through the body, helping to strengthen developing teeth from the inside. When applied to the outer surface of the child's teeth, fluoride helps to replace lost minerals and strengthen tooth enamel.

Is fluoride safe for kids?

The positive effects of fluoride on the dental health of children cannot be overstated. Provided that daily intake of fluoride is carefully monitored, fluoride is considered safe for kids and essential in both protecting and building young smiles.

While just the right amount of fluoride helps to protect children's teeth, too much fluoride can actually harm tooth enamel and could lead to dental fluorosis.

Fluorosis is most often a result of naturally-occurring fluoride, and is typically found in children under six years of age. This condition presents itself in brown discolouration or white specks on the child's teeth.

Our children's dentists here at SmileTown Burnaby carefully assess each child's fluoride intake before recommending fluoride treatment. 

Why is the dentist recommending my child have a fluoride treatment?

Fluoride intake is critical for the dental health of children between the ages of six months and sixteen years.  During this time, children's teeth (both primary and permanent) are developing, and sufficient fluoride helps to ensure that the teeth are strong and healthy.

Our SmileTown children's dentists will take all of your child's fluoride sources into consideration, and only recommend treatment for your child if they are not getting enough fluoride from naturally occurring sources. 

To learn more about fluoride treatments, contact SmileTown Burnaby today to book an appointment with our children's dentists. 

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