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Is Teeth Whitening Safe for Kids?

Is Teeth Whitening Safe for Kids?

There are a few important reasons that our Burnaby children's dentists advise against using teeth whitening products for children.

Whitening children's teeth is not a great idea. Here's why.

Your child may not actually have discoloured teeth.

When the adult teeth first erupt, they can sometimes appear a little yellow in colour, particularly in comparison to the baby teeth. This is because adult teeth have far more dentin in them than baby teeth do.

Dentin, the layer of the tooth that is immediately under the enamel, is yellow. This is why children’s adult teeth just look yellow in comparison to the baby teeth; not because they are stained or abnormally dark.

As long as your kids have a healthy diet and a thorough oral hygiene routine, slightly yellow permanent teeth are nothing to worry about.

There’s not a lot of research on how whitening products affect growing teeth.

The fact is, there isn’t much data out there yet about the effect whitening products could have on developing teeth. Our dentists consider it better to be safe and wait until children are teenagers before considering teeth whitening.

For more information about children’s dental health, please contact our Burnaby children's dentists today!

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